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Today's Weather
    Vantage Pro M&M Vantage Pro E&E Sonbesie Graph
Last update at at at
Location 33°55'43''S  18°51'55''E 33°55'43''S  18°52'02''E 33°55'41''S  18°51'55''E
Quick Forecast Mostly cloudy and cooler. Precipitation likely. Windy with possible wind shift to the W, SW, or S. Increasing clouds and warmer. Precipitation possible within 12 to 24 hours Windy.
Temperature Cur °C °C °C
Max °C @ °C @ °C @
Min °C @ °C @ °C @
Wind Cur km/h, km/h, 0 km/h, N
10m Avg km/h, km/h, km/h,
Max km/h, @ km/h, @ 0 km/h, N @
Wind chill Cur °C °C
Min °C @ °C @
Dew Point Cur °C °C
Min °C @ °C @
Max °C @ °C @
Humidity Cur % % %
Min 0 % @ 0 % @ 0 % @
Max 0 % @ 0 % @ 0 % @
Rain Total No rain measured for today. No rain measured for today.
Cur Rate Currently not raining. Currently not raining.
Max Rate It did not rain today. It did not rain today.
Evapotranspiration No rain measured for today.
Barometer Cur hPa hPa hPa
Min hPa @ hPa @ hPa @
Max hPa @ hPa @ hPa @
Trend Falling Rapidly Falling Rapidly
Heat index Cur °C °C
Min °C @ °C @
Max °C @ °C @
THW Cur °C °C
Min °C @ °C @
Max °C @ °C @
Min °C @
Max °C @
Solar radiation Cur It is night. It is night.
Max The sun has not risen yet. The sun has not risen yet.
Solar energy Cur It is night.
Max The sun has not risen yet.
UV index Cur It is night.
Max The sun has not risen yet.
UV dose Cur It is night.
Max The sun has not risen yet.